Name: Richard Clayton
Name: Andy Offord
Name: Antoni Rogowski
Profile: RH Biff, right-arm bounding-in
Tweet dis: Self-styled Polish Wonder – aka the Manchester Mouth or a cricketing Ewok or a pumped-up Stevie G. Careless talk. Catches flies.
Pen portrait: As befits a man who made his first real mark for GCC running backwards into a hedge (Ewyas Harold, 2013), Antoni Rogowski (“standard spelling”) sees the wood for the trees – except when finding his way to Highgate. He’s a see-ball/hit-ball merchant, revelling in his ability to go big or go home (often at the same time). As long as his weight is forward, the force is with him. His bowling is almost as lively as his gob (“All right, fellas, this guy's been in here for far too long already,” he quoths to every new batsmen) and improving with each game. His threefer against Jesmond Jags at the start of the 2014 season was crucial to a famous win. Antoni imagines he sledges like Jimmy Anderson, but with better vocab. Make that Jimmy Tarbuck more like. NC/RC
Name: Piers Teakle
Profile: RHB, right-arm fastish (on concrete, wind-assisted)
Tweet dis: “Do you have Powerplays?” That says everything about the way Piers plays. RBG turned CBG. What’s to teakle? Check the next Cricket Lexicon.
Pen portrait: Big dirty stinky pace, as Dizzee Rascal nearly sang. Dirty stinky pace. Piers’s cricket is always fast. Its logical compression would be 1/1 matches. Not one over, mind, but one ball a side. Piers would hit what received for a glorious straight six (he manages one of those a season, without fail). He’d pitch his delivery half-way down (his indoor length) and it would be hit for six in turn. The superball would follow the same pattern, until Piers’ relentless zeal caused his opponent to tread on his own stumps, begging for mercy. That’s one possible definition of being Teakled. Another might be that straight six. Or how spin can bring Piers to a standstill (witness his otherwise dashing 34 against Carpe Vinum). But, boy, did he hit his straps against Bumblers. Two in two? Remember that finger! RC